I use holistic nutrition, functional medicine labs, brain rewiring, and healing song sessions.
You were meant to live a life full of joy, ease, and calm, feeling free in your body, mind, and soul.
to be free of the expectations of friends and family members to do and be what they thought I should do and be.

I could live a life of ease in my body, at my ideal weight, without having to weigh myself or count calories.
But when I realized that the power to change was in my hands, I said,
That’s when everything changed!
I hired a coach and forged my own path to live in alignment with my heart’s desires and dreams.

I'M JONI, and I help busy entrepreneurs go from feeling overstressed, overwhelmed, and overweight, to calm, happy, and feeling good in their bodies again.
I was at a point in my life where I was feeling overstressed, exhausted, blah, and stuck.
I knew something had to change.
And then I heard the call to forge a career in nutrition, functional medicine, and brain rewiring.
First, I used the tools to help myself and my family heal, and then I began helping others.
I’m here to help you overcome your weight loss yo-yo struggles, get unstuck in your life, and heal from past traumas, so that you can LIVE again, be at peace in your body, and become free from your past.
In working with Joni, I achieved wholeness. I got answers. Answers to more than just my physical health, but in my mental and emotional health as well. Things I didn’t realize were there that were brought to the surface. Things that we faced head-on and got through. Physically I lost 20lbs, and my skin looks amazing, I feel more confident in every way. I also feel more educated as well!
Joni has been a fantastic coach, encourager and teacher through this process. Only being a client for 4 weeks, there have been so many health breakthroughs- mental clarity, physical well-being, increased energy levels, and about 25 lbs of weight loss so far. Excited to continue over the coming months. As a husband, father of 3 and an entrepreneur, it’s easy to put health (and yourself) on the back burner, but that doesn’t serve anyone. Thanks Joni!
Joni is amazing. She is attentive to her clients and is able to answer any questions or concerns. Her customized regimen and products used are of great quality that is evident throughout the healing process. It is clear she is focused on her clients and her knowledge directs you to overall health and wellbeing; in body, mind and soul. Her guidance through my journey will last a lifetime.”
Joni made me feel safe, seen, heard, and loved. She created space for me to just be me. I don’t have to balance my statements, I don’t have to be afraid of being taken the wrong way. She just sees me and loves me as I am, every part of the way. To say I am grateful feels cheap honestly.....because when someone touches your life like this, words are just not enough to explain the amount of gratitude you feel on the inside. I can only pray that I am even half the coach she is one day.” š
-Melissa Pietrone
“Joni made me feel heard, safe, not judged, empowered, loved, and special.”